Week 2 down!
(Warning: the following post contains many adorable photos of both children and monkeys.)
This week was definitely less stressful than the first. I feel more confident teaching and I am getting more and more comfortable with the city and living here. We have made some friends with other teachers at the school and I feel like everyone is so nice and wanting to help us with anything. I am so grateful for them and it really helps make us feel more at home.
Wednesday was Teacher Appreciation Day at our school. The kids kept bringing me cards and pictures that they drew and we were given flowers by the English teachers. It was very sweet! Also, there was cake and soda at lunch so that was exciting! I am surprised at how well I am getting used to the food. I mean, there are good days and bad but usually I find enough to fill me up!
The collection of flowers from throughout the day |
Student's gifts hanging next to my desk :) |
On Thursday after lunch the teachers told us that the last two classes of the day would be cancelled for "push and pull game" for the students. We weren't sure what that meant but we were certainly interested! So we headed out to the field and the students did a big tug-of-war tournament thing! What? So random, but it was sooo funny! They were divided up by grades and each class played against each other and then I think the winners got to face each other and so on. It was so fun to watch my first and second graders! Then of course the teachers had to play each other and they wouldn't let me and Lindsay be on the same side. The first time, Lindsay's side won and mine the second time. The kids (and teachers) got a kick out of watching us. Overall, it was a nice break from teaching and we enjoyed getting to just hang out with the kids.
My first graders :3 |
This kid is PUMPED! |
Ok, this kid is hilarious. |
Lindsay's students |
Group hug/attack teacher time! |
More of my adorable grade 1 students!! Melts my heart! |
Friday, me and Lindsay went into town for a bit to do some shopping since we didn't bring a lot of clothes with us. Unfortunately, we weren't able to find much that we liked.. the style is just different here. Quite frankly we find the men's clothing more attractive than the women's. I guess we'll have to keep looking!
And Saturday, we went to Qianling Park which was awesome! It is famous for the monkey's that just hang around and will come up to you. Monkeys! It is just about 20 min away so the boys came over and we decided we'd take a taxi. As we were walking down the street we ran into William who is an American teacher that teaches at the boy's campus. Lindsay and I met him once before briefly. He lives here with his wife who is from Thailand and their son who is probably 3 years old or so (and super adorable). They had just bought some big plants or something so Chris and Evan offered to help carry them to their apartment. They live just down the street from mine and Lindsay's apartment complex. It was cool to chat with them some more and see their place. They even told us they would have us all over for some Mexican food sometime so we are looking forward to that!
Then we headed back out to get a taxi. We were prepared with the name of the park written down in Chinese to show to the driver and there was no problem. The park only cost 5 yuan to get in (about 80 cents) and was waaay bigger than I was expecting! We walked around for awhile just trying to figure out what we wanted to go see and where all these different paths would take us. We did a little hiking along the paths. So many stairs... but it was so dense and green and we walked down paths just covered by bamboo. It was really pretty! On one of the trails there was a map that we were trying to decipher when this Chinese man randomly comes up and starts speaking in English! He asked if he could help and gave us some direction and told us where the paths would lead. So nice! We headed to a little zoo which just made me sad. Just animals locked up in small concrete cages... not my favorite part of this place. There were some gorgeous tigers though!
This lady was writing on the sidewalk with just water! |
So many stairs...... |
Random, strange statues.. |
After the zoo we decided to head up to the Buddhist temple at the top of a hill. It was on the way that we found the monkeys! Holy moly there were a ton! And they just wandered around, totally not caring about all the people around. People were feeding them, but we didn't bring any food :( It may have been a good thing though because they can get greedy! One of them came up to me and had her little baby holding on to her back. She just sat next to me and held my leg, hoping I would give her something. The little baby kept playing with my shoe.. so cute! Then the mama tried to get into my backpack. She kept grabbing at the zipper but I wouldn't let her open it. Some of the monkey's got a little aggressive with Chris trying to grab his empty water bottle. They loved to grab bottles out of people's hands and they knew how to open them. Once they realized it was empty they would eventually drop it again.
The babies would just grab on to there mom's! |
See, look at that sweetness! |
I really just can't get over how cute that is! |
My little pals |
Reaching for the zipper, little sneak! |
Going for the bottle. Lindsay was a little uncomfortable with the monkeys ;) |
Chris's water bottle just kept getting stolen! |
There was a lady holding a tote bag and the monkey's kept trying to get in it and eventually knocked it out of her hands. Of course she had a bag of grapes and a bag of some kind of bread that went spilling everywhere and the monkey's went crazy! Oops.. Haha it was pretty entertaining.
They ate the inside of the grape then spit out the skin for some reason.. |
Anyways, so we kept walking along the path and saw some cool structures we think might be burial sites? OR shrines of some sort. They were cool! Then we climbed a bit to a lookout tower that we thought was where the temple was. It was so neat, you could see the whole city! But we realized that we past the temple on the way up, so we went to it on the way back down. It was really cool. Lots of big statues of Buddha and other gods. People were praying and burning incense all over. I'm pretty sure we weren't allowed to take pictures so we didn't want to risk it. It was quite beautiful though! And pretty big.
Evan, Lindsay, Chris. Looking tough next to stone dragons I guess.. ;) |
Lindsay doing some meditating |
View from the lookout tower |
Another view. This is our city! |
Getting photo bombed.. |
We walked around and hung out there for awhile before heading to a lake that William had told us to go see. It was surrounded by trees and hills. So beautiful! We saw a lot of paddle boats and peddle boats out on the water so we went to see how much it was to rent. The sign said 30 yuan (5 dollars) but the lady seemed to be asking for 100 so we thought maybe it was 30 each but 25 with a group? It's hard when you don't speak the same language! We decided to go for it anyway so we got a peddle boat and cruised around the lake. It was way fun :) When we got back we had to give the person our ticket back and then they gave me 70 yuan back. So I guess it was a deposit.
After the lake it we were tired so we went back to the entrance and walked around the surrounding area outside the park, looking for something for dinner. Then we got a taxi (surprisingly fast) and headed back home! It was definitely a fun day!